To all the partners who have abused me, ghosted me, said my illnesses were just “too much,” broke up with me via text, and promised me the world,
You do not deserve me. You do not deserve the kindness, compassion, care, and love I felt for you. You are pathetic. You are a coward. You are a liar. I have put myself out there time and time again and received nothing but vile, vapid, cruelty. I am done with you. I do not have the time nor the energy to give you. That is mine and only reserved for the one who will treat me with respect.
If you learned anything from the time you spent with me, I hope you learned to be a kinder person. And I hope the next person you fall in love with turns around and does the same thing to you that you did to me. I hope you are able to change yourself from that experience and perhaps become a better human being.
But I have my doubts.